From readersdigest.com 3/09
Weights for Your Waist-and Your Heart
Give your running shoes a rest:
Adding strength training to your exercise routine looks like the best way to slash fat and strengthens the heart. In a new study, one group of volunteers walked or jogged five times a week, while another replaced two workouts with strength sessions (three sets of each resistance move.) Those who strength-trained did 20 percent less aerobic exercise-yet performed 7 percent better on tests of maximum aerobic capacity. They also lost 2 percent of their body fat: the volunteers who simply walked or jogged lost none.
Strength training increases muscle mass. Which burns fat faster-and the pudge it melted was mostly the heart-risky abdominal kind. What this means: if you add some basic strength training, you can ease up on the cardio yet wind up more fit-and your body will look better too!